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I tried Ina Garten's recipe for baked potatoes, and I'll never use another method again

completed ina garten baked potato recipe with whipped feta
I made a baked potato using a recipe from Ina Garten, and I was blown away.

Paige Bennett

  • After making a few baked-potato recipes from chefs, I fell in love with Ina Garten's cooking method.
  • The celebrity chef calls for a herby, salty coating that gets rubbed on the potatoes before baking.
  • The herby coating and lack of foil resulted in a perfectly crisp exterior and creamy interior. 

I've loved baked potatoes since I was a kid, and I've always made them the same way: Wrapped in foil and popped in a hot oven for about an hour.

However, many skilled chefs, including Ina Garten, skip the foil in order to achieve crispy exteriors.

Since I love eating the skin of baked potatoes, I was ready to give Garten's method a try.

Garten's recipe includes unexpected ingredients, like fresh herbs and lemon zest.
ina garten baked potato recipe ingredients on cutting board
This dish required a few herbs.

Paige Bennett

This recipe calls for coating the potatoes in a flavorful herb mix before baking.

Garten combines fresh rosemary, thyme, and lemon zest with sea salt to create a tasty coating for the skins.

The method is a little more involved than I'm used to, but it's totally worth it.
rolling potato in ina garten salt mixture recipe
I never thought to season the outside of a potato before baking it.

Paige Bennett

I started by washing my potato and poking holes before setting it aside.

Then I combined the sea salt, rosemary, and lemon zest in a small food processor and transferred it to a plate. I dislike the taste of thyme, so I omitted it. 

I completely coated the baked potato in olive oil and rolled it in the salt mixture.

Garten doesn't wrap her baked potatoes in aluminum foil.
seasoned potatoes on a foil-lined baking tray
Ina Garten's recipe only uses foil on the pan, not the potatoes.

Paige Bennett

Instead of wrapping the potato in foil, Garten just covers a baking sheet with foil and places the spuds on top. I followed suit, placing my seasoned potato on a foil-covered tray.

Once the oven was preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, I baked the potato for one hour.

While the potatoes cooked, I prepped Garten's whipped feta.
ingredients for ina garten's whipped feta recipe on a wooden cutting board
The creamy topping goes inside the cooked potatoes.

Paige Bennett

The unique herb mixture on the potato doesn't exactly complement toppings like shredded cheddar or bacon.

Instead, Garten calls for a homemade whipped feta topping and fresh chives.

The finished topping looked and smelled amazing.
whipped feta being made in a food processor
I threw all the ingredients into my food processor.

Paige Bennett

To make the topping, I combined crumbled feta cheese, cream cheese, olive oil, salt, pepper, and freshly squeezed lemon juice in a food processor.

It smelled incredible, and I couldn't wait to taste it on the potato.

The potato looked restaurant-worthy and smelled amazing.
cooked baked potatoes on a foil-lined baking tray
I was excited about the potatoes right when I pulled them from the oven.

Paige Bennett

After an hour in the oven, the potato was ready.

The skin looked crispy and fancy, thanks to the sea salt. I cut it open and stuffed the interior with plenty of whipped feta and a generous sprinkle of chives.

The potato was even more delicious than it looked. The skin was super crispy and flaky and had so much flavor from the salt and herbs. The crunchy exterior also went well with the soft, creamy interior. 

The cold, whipped topping contrasted with the hot potato, and the chives added a fresh, bright flavor, balancing the otherwise heavy dish.

From appearance to texture to taste, this potato won in every category.
completed ina garten baked potato recipe with whipped feta
The whipped feta was absolutely delicious.

Paige Bennett

Baked potatoes are hard to mess up, but I've never had one that checked every box like Garten's did.

It tasted amazing, with various textures to keep each bite exciting, and it looked good enough to snap a few pictures for Instagram.

It was a nice twist from the standard cheddar, butter, and sour cream varieties I know and love. 

Garten's method for making baked potatoes is now my go-to, especially for nice dinners with family or friends.

This story was originally published in 2022 and most recently updated on March 5, 2025.

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14 ways to make a better cup of coffee at home

pouring coffee
There are some easy ways to make better homemade coffee.


  • Business Insider spoke with coffee experts to find out how to improve your joe at home.  
  • Buying fresh, whole beans makes a big difference in the overall quality of your final brew.
  • They also said water quality is important for making good coffee.

Ordering coffee from your favorite café can be a treat, but it's not the most budget-friendly option.

Making a cup at home is often the cheaper alternative, so Business Insider spoke with coffee experts about their best tricks for at-home brewing. 

Start by cleaning your coffee maker regularly

coffee maker kitchen dirty clean home
Old coffee grounds can impact the flavor of a fresh cup.


Josh Zad, founder and creative director of popular café chain Alfred, told BI that one way to improve your cup of coffee is to clean your coffee maker regularly

"Make sure to get into the nooks and crannies of each part, especially where the coffee drains through the filter," he said. "The taste and aroma of old coffee really muddles the flavor of freshly brewed coffee."

The best way to clean those hard-to-reach stains is by tossing in a dash of baking soda, a splash of vinegar, and some water. Then, let it sit overnight.

Zad said it should scrub right off the following day.

Consider trying out a new brewing method, like a French press or moka pot

If you're ready to venture further into the world of craft coffee, there are so many fun ways to brew at home, Selina Viguera, café leader of Blue Bottle Coffee's Abbot Kinney location, told BI.

Moka pot, French press, AeroPress, Chemex, and a variety of pour-overs are just the beginning.

If you don't know where to start, Viguera said there are plenty of online resources, and most coffee-roasting companies have tutorials on their sites.

For a fun and unique coffee experience, invest in a pour-over carafe

brewing black coffee pour over cup filtered barista shutterstock_473186929
Pour-over coffee is a popular brewing method.


If you're looking for a specific brewing recommendation, multiple experts agreed that pour-over — which involves slowly pouring hot water over coffee grounds — is their favorite. 

With proper technique, Viguera said it can produce a really delicious cup of coffee.

Once you understand some of the variables for brewing coffee (grind size, water temperature, agitation), you can create different cups from the same bag of coffee, she added. 

Switch to buying whole coffee beans instead of pre-ground

coffee beans
Whole beans are more flavorful.

Christopher Jue/Getty Images

"To make better coffee, buy better coffee," Viguera told BI. 

Alex Azoury, the founder and CEO of Home Grounds, said whole-bean coffee is usually fresher and has a more vibrant flavor than pre-ground varieties.

Brew fresh coffee within its first 2 weeks after roasting

"Coffee is a natural product (it's the seed of a fruit), and while it will never spoil, it will lose a lot of flavor if it sits around too long," Zad told BI. 

Viguera said coffee flavor peaks within the first two weeks after roasting, so it's important to make sure the coffee you're buying was recently roasted.

Proper storage is also important to maintain your coffee's freshness. Zad suggested keeping it away from heat, light, moisture, and the freezer. 

Invest in a good coffee grinder that suits your bean preferences

coffee grinder
Good coffee beans require a quality grinder.


Once you've purchased quality beans, it's also important to invest in a good grinder.

"It's a good idea to get a grinder that will grind coffee in the amount and coarseness you want," Azoury told BI. "A good grinder will give you both grind and amount options to suit your taste."

Make sure to adjust your grinder to the right size

Viguera told BI that grinding coffee too finely causes over-extraction — too coarse, and it can be under-extracted. Over-extracted coffee can taste dry and bitter, and under-extracted coffee can taste watery or sour.

To avoid this, she said it's important to "dial in" your coffee. Baristas use this term to describe the act of adjusting your grind setting to find the right coarseness/fineness to brew a balanced cup.

Coffee has a sweet spot — a perfect grind setting — that produces a balance of bitterness, acidity, and sweetness. That sweet spot can vary with the origin of the coffee, roast level, and age.

Only grind the beans you're planning to brew right away

french press coffee
Once coffee beans are ground, they can start to lose their flavor.


You should only grind the amount of coffee you're going to make.

"If you've pre-ground all your coffee but aren't going to brew it all right away, then you've drastically sped up how quickly the rest of the coffee will lose its delicious complexity," Zad told BI. 

A cup of coffee can taste different depending on the quality of your water

Another important factor to consider when making coffee at home is your water, which Viguera said makes up about 98% of your brewed cup of coffee.

"As the main solvent for extracting the flavor and aroma from your ground coffee, your water needs a certain level of hardness/minerality and alkalinity for a quality extraction," she told BI. "Depending on where you live, your tap water may be too hard/soft to bring out the best in your cup."

Light and dark roasts require different brewing temperatures

steaming kettle tea pot
Water that's too hot can ruin a cup of coffee.


Water temperature is another key variable when brewing coffee.

"You want to use water heated to 198 degrees Fahrenheit to 202 degrees Fahrenheit to make a properly extracted cup of coffee," Viguera said.

The expert said lighter roasts can generally withstand more heat (closer to 202 degrees), and darker roasts should be brewed lower (closer to 198 degrees).

Try preheating your mug before pouring the coffee

If you're pouring hot coffee into a cold mug, it's just making the coffee colder the second it hits the ceramic.

Zad said a preheated mug can increase the length of time you can enjoy hot coffee in the morning.

Switch things up by making cold brew at home

cold brew coffee
Cold brew isn't as difficult to make as some people think.

Megan Willett/Tech Insider

Another way to mix up your coffee routine is by making your own cold brew at home.

To do so, Zad said to simply grind your beans coarsely and add water. Next, pop it in the fridge overnight to extract all the rich sweetness from the coffee.

Add spices to make your own flavored coffee

Zad told BI that many flavored coffees are full of artificial ingredients that don't complement the natural flavor of the beans.

Instead, he suggested adding the actual ingredients behind the flavors you like to your coffee.

"Try adding spices to your coffee grounds when you make your cold brew," he said. "Throw in cinnamon sticks, crushed roasted hazelnuts, cardamom pods, anise, cacao shells, or even savory elements like caraway to steep overnight in your cold brew, and you'll have natural spicy goodness in the morning."

Use a scale to achieve the right coffee-to-water ratio

coffee scale
The ratio can change the strength of the coffee.

Kristina Sorokina/Shutterstock

Knowing your brew ratio — coffee to water — and using a scale can help you brew consistently good cups.

"For reference, the industry standard is 1:18 (one part coffee to 18 parts water), which typically produces a cup that is light in body but a greater clarity of flavor," Viguera told BI. "If you prefer a bolder, fuller-bodied cup, try a 1:14 ratio."

This story was previously published in September 2022 and most recently updated on February 25, 2025.

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I've been a chef for over 10 years. Here are 10 tips for making foods everyone should know how to cook.

A steak with grill marks and a pad of melting herbed butter and a red flower for garnish on the side
Compound butter instantly upgrades a homemade meal.

Maksim Toome/Shutterstock

  • As a chef, I have a few tips and tricks that I think all home cooks should practice.
  • I think it's worth investing in an immersion blender to cut back on prep time.
  • Phyllo dough and meat thermometers are staples in my kitchen.

As a chef with over 10 years of experience, I'm pretty good at guessing when food is done or identifying which ingredients can upgrade a meal. However, a few tips and tricks have made my job so much easier.

Here are 10 tips I think every home cook should practice in their own kitchen.

Next time you make poultry, try brining your bird.
A cooked whole turkey sits in a dish next to a head of garlic on a Thanksgiving table
Home cooks can dry or wet brine their turkey or chicken.


You've probably heard of brining, which rose to popularity in the early 2000s and involves soaking a turkey in gallons of salt water. I spent years sloshing around a cooler full of poultry juice and sacrificing fridge space to accommodate a vessel large enough for a whole bird. 

Once I switched to dry brining, I never looked back. I use a tablespoon of kosher salt for every 5 pounds of meat, rub it into all the nooks and crannies, and let the bird sit in the fridge for a couple of days to ensure the meat is juicy and succulent.

You can use this same method for a whole chicken, but remember that anything smaller than a turkey shouldn't be dry-brined longer than 24 hours.

You can also use a wet brine to improve the flavor and texture of boneless and skinless chicken breasts using a ratio of 1 tablespoon of salt for every cup of water. Just fill a lidded bowl with your brine mixture and soak the chicken in it for at least 30 minutes. 

Digital thermometers take the guesswork out of cooking.
200 degree Fahrenheit thermometer in a cooked beef brisket on the grill grates of a smoker barbecue
Meat thermometers are handy kitchen tools.

VDB Photos/Shutterstock

I'm often asked how I know when food is finished cooking. Sure, after years of experience, I'm pretty good at guessing if a pork chop is ready to come off the grill — but why leave it up to guesswork rather than using a meat thermometer?

These brilliant devices are for more than just meat. A meat thermometer is the key to tender, flaky fish, homemade bread that doesn't resemble a brick, and velvety creme brûlée you know is done without judging the jiggle. 

If you want to make your life even easier, buy a Bluetooth version so you can walk away from your food while keeping track of the cooking progress.

Master the art of homemade salad dressings.
A bowl of salad dressing with herbs in it and a whisk next to bowl
A tasty salad dressing can effortlessly brighten a salad.


I love salads, whether they're crunchy, creamy, seasonally themed, or one of the old standbys. But a good salad needs a delicious dressing, and homemade is definitely the best.

Store a basic vinaigrette in your fridge, and the possibilities are endless. My go-to vinaigrette uses red-wine vinegar, olive oil, grated garlic, chopped shallots, whole-grain mustard, and honey, shaken together and stored in a mason jar.

You can sweeten your vinaigrette with extra honey or maple syrup, add fresh herbs, or up the decadence with mayo or crème fraîche. Use a ratio of one part acid to three parts fat and experiment with add-ins until you find your personalized perfect blend.

Phyllo shells are so underrated.
Phyllo cups on a plate
Phyllo-dough shells can be used in appetizers and small bites.


Few things make me feel more empowered than having an appealing appetizer or crowd-pleasing dessert ready at a moment's notice. For an impressive dish that makes you feel like a boss, turn to versatile phyllo-dough cups for savory and sweet bites.

Put flavored whipped cream cheese into a phyllo shell, delicately snip fresh herbs on top, and you have an appetizer that's elegant yet approachable.

Melt some chocolate chips in hot cream, add a splash of vanilla, stir until smooth, pour your ganache into the cups, and behold, a tiny chocolate tart. You can top this dessert with berries, canned whipped cream, a pecan and drizzle of caramel, or sparkly flaked sea salt and watch your guests light up with appreciation.

Making roasted garlic is an easy game changer.
Bird's eye view of roasted garlic heads
Roasted garlic adds an umami flavor to dishes.


During the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, I stocked up on garlic, one of my grocery must-haves, to the point of sheepishness. Though I cook with garlic on a daily basis, I knew some of my stash would have to be preserved, so I turned to roasting.

Your oven can transform garlic into a sweet, savory, and versatile condiment perfect for spreading onto bread, adding to salad dressings, or whisking into a basic béchamel. To roast heads individually, cut off the top to expose the cloves, drizzle with olive oil, add salt and pepper, and pop in a 350-degree oven for 40 minutes or until golden brown.

If you have several heads to roast, prepare them in a baking dish and cover them tightly with foil. Once cooled, squeeze the cloves into an airtight container and keep them in the fridge for up to two weeks. Alternatively, you can spoon the garlic into silicone ice-cube molds, freeze them until firm, and store them in a sealable bag for at-the-ready flavor bombs.

I highly recommend investing in an immersion blender.
An immersion blender in a squash soup
Using an immersion blender can save lots of time in the kitchen.

Maren Winter/Shutterstock

I loathe washing dirty dishes, and frankly, I produce a lot of them. Luckily, an immersion blender cuts back on prep time and slims the sink load.

Not only does an immersion blender let you leave your clunky blender in the cupboard, but also you can confidently purée hot liquid without worrying that your ceiling will be painted with a molten eruption from a lidded appliance.

An immersion blender makes things significantly easier — use it to create smooth soups and sauces, control the texture of salsas and homemade baby food, effortlessly add flavored aioli to sandwiches, and achieve softly peaked whipped cream in seconds.

Parmesan rinds add a delicious flavor to sauces and soups.
Penne pasta with a sauce and garnished with parsley and grated Parmesan
I like to freeze my Parmesan rinds so I can take them out whenever I need them.

Tori Hazelett

Each time you've grated the last of a great wedge of Parmesan cheese, its delicious destiny is not yet fulfilled. One of my freezers always contains a bag of Parmesan rinds, my secret to satisfying sauces and soups.

Adding a Parmesan rind doesn't make something taste cheesy — it incorporates an undeniable savory boost. Toss a Parmesan rind into just about anything simmering away on the stove, and you'll notice a huge improvement in its flavor.

Peeling hard-boiled eggs can be frustrating, so why not make the process easier?
A plate of four deviled eggs
Nothing is more satisfying than a perfectly peeled egg.

Vania Georgieva/Shutterstock

Hard-boiled eggs are a convenient anytime snack, but to eat it, the shell must go. Cue the profanity. I cannot fathom how many hard-boiled eggs I've mangled during shell removal.

Though I'd cheerfully douse a disfigured egg with Sriracha and sea salt for myself, if picnic-ready deviled eggs were the goal, it's game over. However, I later learned how to make perfectly cooked, peel-able hard-boiled eggs by carefully lowering the raw ones into water already simmering on the stove.

Once you lower your eggs in the water, maintain a gentle boil for 12 minutes and transfer them to a large bowl of ice water for a half hour. They'll be ready to jump out of their shells or stored for later use, destined to be peeled with ease.

Don't be afraid to add a little butter or other fat to a meal.
A steak with a compound butter on it
I garnish my proteins with compound butter.


Chances are some of the most memorable, mind-blowing meals you've tasted earned that status from butter. I'm hard-pressed to think of any side dish on my consistently kid-friendly menu, such as rice, noodles, couscous, quinoa, or bread, that butter wouldn't benefit.

If you're looking to elevate a protein, throw together a quick compound butter (butter mixed with stuff), and add a slice on top just before it's served. Think blue cheese or horseradish for steak and citrus zest and herbs for chicken or seafood.

A roasted-garlic and cracked black-pepper butter compound can go on just about anything.

Cream can transform a dish.
Butternut-squash soup with a squash-seed garnish
I like to add cream to my soups.

Tori Hazelett

If your food tastes like something is missing, it is, and that's probably salt or fat. A final addition of cream can take a sauce from pretty good to glossy perfection or turn a simple soup into something special.

Cream can also help to mellow out sharp flavors or calm down a dish that ended up a tad too spicy.

To me, a little cream is a totally-worth-it no-brainer, especially if you're hesitant to add more butter to a dish. 

A splash, or about a tablespoon, of heavy cream can make a huge difference and contains about 51 calories and 5 grams of fat. By comparison, a tablespoon of butter is roughly 100 calories and 11 grams of fat.

This story was originally published on December 6, 2022, and most recently updated on Janury 23, 2025.

Read the original article on Business Insider

11 of the best breakfasts to make in an air fryer, according to chefs

bacon egg
Bacon cooks up nicely in an air fryer.


  • Business Insider asked three chefs about their favorite breakfast dishes to make in an air fryer.
  • Air-fried doughnuts can be just as tasty without the added mess of deep-frying.
  • The countertop appliance is perfect for making crispy breakfast burritos and home fries. 

Air fryers are surprisingly versatile. Their ability to make food crispy using little or no oil makes them ideal for adding flavor and crunch to a range of breakfast dishes.

Business Insider asked three professional chefs to share their favorite morning meals to cook in an air fryer.

Here are their top suggestions.

Air-frying may be a shortcut to perfect bacon.
Bacon can get nice and crispy in the air fryer.

JimDPhoto/Getty Images

Chef Meredith Laurence of Blue Jean Chef told BI that bacon and air fryers are a perfect match. 

"There's no tidier way to cook bacon than in an air fryer," she said. "The air fryer limits the splatter around your kitchen and makes the bacon crispy."

You can air-fry it on a flat tray, but using a wire rack will allow the excess fat to drip away and may result in crispier bacon.

It's a great way to make mini egg frittatas.
mini frittata
Air-fried mini frittatas are a quick and protein-packed breakfast.

Elena Shashkina/Shutterstock

Christina Stanco, executive chef at Central Kitchen and Bar in Detroit, told BI that she loves making mini egg frittatas in the air fryer. 

"Mini egg frittatas are quick and easy in the air fryer," she said. "Just pour whisked eggs and diced peppers into cupcake papers, top with cheese, and air-fry."

You can experiment with adding your own favorite toppings to the mini frittatas, like bacon bits or fresh herbs.

Try using an air fryer to make crispy breakfast burritos.
breakfast burrito
Breakfast burritos are sometimes filled with eggs, meat, and cheese.

MSPhotographic/ iStock

Breakfast burritos are the ultimate portable morning meal, and they're easy to make in the air fryer. 

"Air-fryer breakfast burritos are a favorite of mine," Stanco told BI. "Just roll up scrambled eggs, sausage, and cheese into a flour tortilla and cook it in the air fryer." 

She suggested trying to avoid adding wet ingredients like salsa or sliced tomato before cooking as excess moisture may result in less crispy burritos.

French-toast sticks are usually a hit with kids.
french toast sticks
Fluffy French-toast sticks can be achieved with an air fryer.

Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

French-toast sticks are a fun breakfast treat that you can throw together with common kitchen staples. 

"Simply cut bread slices into fingers and then soak them in a French-toast egg mixture before coating them in crushed Corn Flakes or other cereal flakes," Laurence told BI. 

Air-fry the sticks at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for eight to nine minutes, so they're crispy but not dry, and serve them with maple syrup or Greek yogurt and berries.

Cinnamon rolls are a sweet way to use the countertop appliance.
cinnamon rolls
You can use homemade or premade pastry dough.

Marie C Fields/Shutterstock

For a decadent morning treat, Laurence suggested baking a few cinnamon rolls in your air fryer. 

"Roll out the dough, brush it with butter, and sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top," she said. "After forming the rolls and letting them rise, pop them in the air fryer for 10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit."

You can use your own homemade dough or opt for a premade variety to save time. Finish off the cinnamon rolls with a sweet glaze or cream-cheese frosting.

Air-fried home fries are a flavorful breakfast side.
home fries
Potatoes are a fan-favorite air-fryer dish.

Dima Aslanian/Shutterstock

Home fries are seasoned and fried potato chunks often served alongside eggs or meat at breakfast. 

"Home fries are a must in the air fryer," Stanco told BI. "Be sure to season the chopped potatoes with herbs and spices before cooking them."

She suggested using a "floury" variety of potatoes, such as an Idaho russet, for the best texture and flavor.

Eggs in a basket are a fun and easy breakfast dish to try.
egg in a basket (egg in hole)
The base of the dish contains a fried egg nestled into a piece of toast.

Leigh Anne Meeks/Shutterstock

Eggs in a basket — also known as egg in a hole — is a quick breakfast dish that looks a lot fancier than it is.

"You can make 'eggs in a basket' very easily in the air fryer by making indentations in a few slices of bread, cracking eggs into the indents, and air frying," Laurence said. 

The chef recommended cooking the eggs for five to seven minutes at about 380 degrees.

For a twist on this recipe, swap the slices of toast for hollowed-out bread rolls.

Breakfast sausages cook up nicely in an air fryer.
breakfast sausage
The air fryer allows for crispier and less greasy sausage links or patties.

Joshua Resnick/Shutterstock

Using an air fryer to cook your breakfast sausages can help you avoid excess fat and grease.

"Placing the sausages in a perforated or mesh basket allows the fat to drip away, helping them crisp up faster," Laurence told BI. 

You can also use an air fryer to add a bit of extra crispiness to vegetarian or vegan sausages. The plant-based varieties usually have less fat, so give them a light spray of oil before air-frying. 

Switch things up with some sweet-potato fries for breakfast.
sweet potato fries
Crispy sweet-potato fries are easy to achieve in an air fryer.


Chef Hayato Yoshida, cofounder of Wagyu Beef, told BI that an air fryer can easily turn sweet potatoes into a tasty morning meal. 

"Instead of throwing them in the oven or microwave — which might make them soggy — put them in the air fryer instead," he said.

You can also shred your sweet potatoes and air-fry them as hash browns or nests.

Doughnuts are surprisingly easy to make right at home.
Berliner Doughnut
Air-frying doughnuts can be less messy.

Quanthem / iStock

Skip the line at the coffee shop and make your own fresh doughnuts at home. 

"Instead of going through the hassle of deep-frying, consider air-frying a couple of fluffy doughnuts," Yoshida told BI. "They're delicious and will definitely help satisfy your morning sweet tooth."

Try using canned biscuit dough shaped or cut into rings if you're short on time. 

You can add a glaze to your doughnuts by dipping them in a mixture of powdered sugar and water or milk, but be sure to wait until they've fully cooled before glazing. 

Air-fried egg rolls are a quick and portable breakfast.
egg rolls
Breakfast egg rolls are a different take on the traditional dish.

yuliang11/ iStock

If you're looking to break out of a breakfast rut, consider using an air fryer to make breakfast egg rolls.

"Breakfast egg rolls are a great handheld breakfast option for those on the move," Yoshida told BI. "I love air-frying egg rolls and enjoying them as a treat in the morning."

To make them, scramble eggs with your choice of chopped vegetables or meats, portion the mixture into egg-roll wrappers, fold and roll them up, and air-fry until golden.

This story was originally published on January 6, 2021, and most recently updated on January 10, 2025. 

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The 'Elf' cast now: What the stars of the holiday classic have been up to since the movie debuted

Composite image of Will Ferrell dressed in an elf costume as Buddy the Elf in "Elf" and Will Ferrell wearing a white suit and black bowtie against a tan background
It's been over two decades since "Elf" hit theaters.

Warner Bros. Pictures; Michael Tran/Getty Images

  • The beloved holiday movie "Elf" was released in 2003.
  • Will Ferrell has been in other projects like "Step Brothers" and "Will & Harper."
  • Zooey Deschanel starred in the series "New Girl" shortly after "Elf" debuted. 

It's been over 20 years since the modern holiday classic "Elf" hit theaters. 

The film follows Buddy (Will Ferrell), a human raised by elves working in Santa's workshop, as he journeys to New York City to find his biological father.

Here's what the stars of the movie have been up to since their roles in "Elf."

Ferrell starred in "Elf" the same year "Old School" premiered.
buddy the elf
Will Ferrell had recently left "Saturday Night Live" before starring in "Elf."

New Line Cinema

In 2002, Ferrell ended his run on "Saturday Night Live" to prepare to make a name for himself in film.

In 2003, Ferrell starred in "Elf" and the R-rated comedy "Old School."

Ferrell told Entertainment Weekly in 2007 that before taking on the role of Buddy the Elf, he requested that the movie remain lighthearted and took cues from the Tom Hanks film "Big" in creating his character's childlike persona.

Ferrell's career has seen lots of success post-"Elf."
Will Ferrell wearing a white suit and a black bowtie against a tan background
Will Ferrell has been in many movies since.

Michael Train/Getty Images

Since bringing Buddy to life, Ferrell has gone on to act in over 20 full-length feature films, including "Anchorman," "Kicking and Screaming," "Step Brothers," and "Get Hard."

He's also gone behind-the-scenes as an executive producer, working on hit shows like Netflix's "Dead to Me" and HBO's "Succession," as well as top-rated films like "Booksmart."

He also starred in "Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga" (2020) and has continued down his producing path, with some of his most recent projects including "Will & Harper" (2024) and Netflix's "No Good Deed."

Deschanel wasn't the first choice to play Jovie.
Zooey Deschanel believes she got the role because of her singing ability.

New Line Cinema

"Elf" was the ninth feature-length film that Deschanel had appeared in since launching her acting career in 1998.

At the time "Elf" debuted, Deschanel was a relatively new actress in Hollywood with a few films under her belt, including  "All the Real Girls" and "Almost Famous." 

In a 2018 interview with Variety, Deschanel said that she was the second choice for the role and ultimately starred in the movie as Jovie when the film's first choice dropped out.

And in 2003, she told that she believed she mostly got the part because she could sing. 

Deschanel became the star of a popular TV show a few years later.
Zooey Deschanel wearing a blue and white dress and smiling against a black background
Zooey Deschanel had a seven-season run as Jess Day on "New Girl."

Michael Tran/Getty Images

Post-"Elf," the actress starred in several major movies, including "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," "500 Days of Summer," and "Trolls."

In 2006, she formed a two-person indie band with M. Ward called She and Him. The pair has released multiple studio albums together.

Deschanel landed her most notable role as Jessica Day on the Fox show "New Girl" in 2011. The series ended in 2018 after seven seasons

She appeared in the short "Katy Perry: Not the End of the World" as a lookalike of the pop star in 2020. Some of her most recent projects include lending her voice to the character Bridget in "Trolls World Tour" (2020) and "Trolls Band Together" (2023).

James Caan was a seasoned actor before joining the cast of "Elf."
James Caan had been in the business for a long time.

New Line Cinema

Caan wasn't a Hollywood newbie when he joined the "Elf" cast as Buddy's father, Walter.

The seasoned actor had previously starred in films like "Misery," "The Godfather," and "Funny Lady."


Caan died in 2022 at age 82 after a long and successful career.
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James Caan was involved in lots of different projects.

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

In 2013, Caan told the AV Club that he remembered "Elf" as one of his favorite comedy productions.

After starring in the holiday flick, he worked on TV series like NBC's "Las Vegas," and continued to star in popular movies like "Undercover Grandpa."

He also went on to voice a character in "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" and several "Godfather" video-game characters.

On July 6, 2022, Caan died of a heart attack and coronary artery disease at the age of 82. His final films were "Queen Bees" (2021) and the upcoming thriller, "Dark Harvest."

Bob Newhart was also a well-known actor when "Elf" was released.
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Bob Newhart had his own TV show in the 1970s.

New Line Cinema

Having voiced Bernard in Disney's "The Rescuers" and "The Rescuers: Down Under" and appearing in popular films like "In and Out" and "Legally Blonde 2," Newhart was a well-known actor before joining the cast of "Elf."

He even had his own CBS TV series in the 1970s titled "The Bob Newhart Show," which ran for six years. 

Starring as Papa Elf in the 2003 film, Newhart had to appear much shorter than his adoptive son, Buddy, which entailed standing several feet away from Ferrell while acting, according to Variety.

Newhart died in 2024 after years of acting in movies and TV shows.
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Bob Newhart appeared in a plethora of projects after "Elf."

Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Although he has continued his work on TV, Newhart has only appeared in one feature-length film since the release of "Elf" — the 2011 movie "Horrible Bosses" starring Jason Sudeikis and Jason Bateman.

Newhart has also made frequent appearances on shows like TNT's "The Librarians" and CBS' "The Big Bang Theory."

In 2017, he reprised his role as Papa Elf for a local TV commercial.

On July 18, 2024, Newhart died at age 94. His final role was Professor Proton on the CBS "Big Bang" spin-off "Young Sheldon."

Mary Steenburgen was an Academy Award winner prior to "Elf."
Mary Steenburgen had received an Academy Award before her role in "Elf."

New Line Cinema

Steenburgen had made her mark on Hollywood long before the release of "Elf," with roles in films like "Back to the Future III" and "What's Eating Gilbert Grape."

She won an Academy Award for best actress in a supporting role in 1981 for her performance as Lynda Dummar in "Melvin and Howard."

The Oscar-winning actress took her talents to the big screen once again when she appeared as Buddy's stepmom Emily in the film "Elf."

Steenburgen would star alongside Ferrell again in 2008.
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Mary Steenburgen was in the 2020 holiday film "Happiest Season."

Dominik Bindl/Getty Images

"Elf" wouldn't be the last time Steenburgen would appear in a film with Ferrell. In 2008, the duo reunited in the comedy "Step Brothers," with Steenburgen playing Ferrell's mom once again.

Steenburgen has appeared on TV series like CBS' "Joan of Arcadia" and Netflix's "Orange Is the New Black." 

She was also in the films "Four Christmases," "The Proposal,"  "The Help,"  and "A Walk in the Woods," among many others.

In 2020, she appeared in the much-anticipated holiday movie "Happiest Season," and has since been on recent seasons of several series, like "Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist."

Most recently, she appeared in the film "Book Club: The Next Chapter" (2023).

"Elf" was Daniel Tay's second movie.
Daniel Tay was just starting out in the film industry when he appeared in "Elf."

New Line Cinema

Starring as Michael, Buddy's half-brother, in the film, Tay's first major role was in "Elf."

The only acting credit he had prior was in the 2003 film "American Splendor" as young Harvey.

Tay hasn't appeared in any films since 2007.
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Daniel Tay went on to graduate from Yale.

Kevin Kane/Getty Images for Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Post-"Elf" success, the child actor voiced Doogal in the 2006 film of the same name. He also appeared in the movies "Beer League" in 2006 and "Brooklyn Rules" in 2007.

His last project was providing the voice of Bill Blue in "Grand Theft Auto IV," which was released in 2009.

In the years since "Elf" premiered, Tay graduated from Yale University, according to The Mirror.

Dinklage wasn't too well-known before "Elf."
Peter Dinklage played Miles Finch in "Elf."

New Line Cinemas

With the exception of "The Station Agent" in 2003, Dinklage was a relatively unknown actor prior to his role in "Elf."

In the film, Dinklage appears as Miles Finch, the seemingly grumpy best-selling author who doesn't take kindly to Buddy.

Dinklage went on to star on the hit HBO show "Game of Thrones."
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Peter Dinklage is known for his role on HBO's "Game of Thrones."

John Nacion/STAR MAX/IPx

After "Elf," Dinklage would go on to appear in several popular movies, including "Death at a Funeral," "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," and "X-Men: Days of Future Past."

Most notably, Dinklage played the complex and well-loved character Tyrion Lannister on "Game of Thrones."

He also appeared in "Avengers: Infinity War" and lent his voice to animated films like "The Angry Birds Movie 2" and "The Croods: A New Age." He starred in the film "Cyrano" in 2021 and lent his voice to Dr. Dillamond in "Wicked" in 2024.

Ed Asner had an impressive career before "Elf."
Ed Asner is a Hollywood legend.

New Lines Cinemas

Starring as Santa in "Elf" might not have been a defining moment for Asner's career, but for a generation of kids, it's one of his most memorable roles.

Asner's acting career stretches back to 1957 when he appeared on the CBS TV series "Studio One in Hollywood."

He starred in upwards of 50 projects before joining the "Elf" cast in 2003.

Even years later, Asner didn't slow down.
Ed Asner
Ed Asner has been credited for over 60 roles.

Getty Images

Asner has kept his Hollywood career thriving. Since 2003, Asner has been credited with over 60 roles, including the TV short "Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas."

He appeared on Netflix's "Dead to Me" and Super Channel's "Forgive Me." 

Recently, he was in the movies "Tiger Within" and "Rain Beau's End."

In August 2021, Asner died of natural causes at the age of 91.

This story was originally published in December 2018 and most recently updated on December 24, 2024.

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19 details you probably missed in 'Home Alone'

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Macaulay Culkin starred in "Home Alone."


  • "Home Alone" came out over 30 years ago, but it's still a fan favorite around the holidays. 
  • Like many John Hughes movies, it was filmed in the Chicagoland area.
  • The McCallisters left behind plants, a gingerbread house, dirty towels, and open garage doors.

"Home Alone" is a delightfully chaotic Christmas movie.

The 1990 classic is more outlandish and violent than some other cheerful holiday films, but it's still amused viewers for over 30 years. 

Here are some sneaky "Home Alone" Easter eggs even superfans may have missed.

Kevin's sister insults him in French, even though the word is the same in English.
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The family is preparing to leave for a vacation in France.

20th Century Fox

Before they head to France without him, Kevin's siblings and cousins are constantly teasing and mocking him.

While he's going around trying to figure out what to pack in his suitcase, one of his sisters tells him that he's "what the French call les incompétents."

Linnie was probably just brushing up on her basic French before their trip to Paris, but since "les incompétents" just translates to "the incompetent ones" it's not as impressive as she makes it seem — even if it does confuse Kevin. 

"Home Alone" is set near Chicago, like many other John Hughes movies.
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Buzz has a few Chicago Bulls posters in his bedroom.

20th Century Fox

Like writer John Hughes' "The Breakfast Club," "Sixteen Candles," and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," "Home Alone" is set in the Chicagoland area. 

It's clear from the mention of a Chicago airport and the Chicago Bulls decor in Buzz's room.

Mr. McCallister throws out a passport and plane ticket when he cleans up the spilled milk.
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This is part of the reason why they don't notice Kevin is missing right away.

20th Century Fox

The night before Kevin's family leaves for their trip, everyone is busy finishing up packing, eating dinner, and finalizing their plans — which results in a lot of chaos. 

After Kevin spills a bunch of milk, Mr. McCallister jumps to clean up the mess and wipe down the passports and plane tickets that are piled on the table. 

As he throws away a bundle of napkins, he accidentally picks up and tosses one of the passports. A shot of the garbage can also shows that he threw away an American Airlines booklet that most likely contained a plane ticket. 

If we assume it was Kevin's passport and ticket, this clever detail helps to explain why no one realized he didn't get on the plane.

The headcount Kevin's sister takes seems accurate because she counted a neighbor in place of Kevin.
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This is another detail that helps to explain exactly how Kevin got left home alone.

20th Century Fox

Before loading up into the vans to go to the airport, Kevin's oldest cousin takes a quick head count of her siblings and cousins.

In the rush of trying to get to the airport on time, she accidentally counts a neighbor boy — who is curiously climbing through the van — which brings her total to the correct number even though Kevin is still sleeping in the attic. 

Kevin's dad actually did forget to shut the garage.
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The McCallisters left their house in a bit of disarray.

20th Century Fox

After the McCallisters board their plane, Kevin's mom is struck with the feeling that she forgot something.

After a moment of thought, Mr. McCallister tries to calm her nerves by saying he forgot to shut the garage door — which turns out to be true. 

Despite having a number of plants in the house, Kevin's parents didn't arrange for anyone to water them.
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If someone had come to water the plants, they could've helped Kevin.

20th Century Fox

There are plants throughout Kevin's house, including in the dining room and kitchen.

However, no one ever comes by the house to water them, which seems like something the family should've planned for before they left for the trip.

If they had hired a neighbor to look after their plants, they might have been able to help Kevin when he got left home alone. 

When Kevin reads the Playboy magazine, the pages appear to be taped together.
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When he throws the magazine back, it lands in the exact same position.

20th Century Fox

While looking through his family's belongings, Kevin finds a Playboy magazine in Buzz's room.

He opens it to a page in the middle before throwing it on the floor behind him. Judging by the way it lands, though, it seems like the rest of the pages were stuck together.

A 2017 Bustle article said the prop was a real edition of Playboy from 1989, so the crew may have taped everything else so that Macaulay Culkin (who played Kevin) wouldn't see any inappropriate content while they filmed the scene.

Kevin's parents left a gingerbread house out on the counter.
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"Home Alone" takes place during the Christmas season.

20th Century Fox

In certain kitchen shots, there's a decorated gingerbread house visible on the counter.

Like the plants, this seems like an odd thing to leave unattended while going on a long trip.

Kate, Kevin's mom, also made a point of asking people to finish the milk the night before, so it wasn't like she was oblivious to the perishable food in her house. 

The movie Kevin watches, and replays several times, isn't real.
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"Angels With Filthy Souls" was made for "Home Alone."

20th Century Fox

Throughout "Home Alone," Kevin watches a black-and-white film called "Angels With Filthy Souls" and later uses it as part of his defense plan against the Wet Bandits. 

Although it looks pretty realistic and its lines have since become famous, the movie isn't real. The scenes were made specifically for "Home Alone."

The popcorn Kevin spills can be seen under the bed when he hides there later.
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There are a few small details that carry through the film.

20th Century Fox

After realizing he's home alone, Kevin runs around the house doing whatever he wants, including jumping up and down on his parents' bed while eating popcorn.

Later, when he hides under their bed when a police officer knocks on the door, there's popcorn on the floor from his earlier antics.

The mannequins Kevin uses to throw off the Wet Bandits were in the basement when he first went down there.
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There are plenty of spooky things that scare Kevin in his basement.

20th Century Fox

When Kevin first goes down into his basement, he walks past a couple of mannequins as well as other storage items. 

These later prove useful when he rigs them up near the windows to trick the Wet Bandits into thinking there are adults in the house.

The Wet Bandits' nickname works on several levels.
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Harry and Marv, the Wet Bandits, drive around in a plumbing-and-heating van.

20th Century Fox

Marv and Harry, the robbers who try to break into Kevin's house throughout the movie, go by the nickname the Wet Bandits.

Marv explains at one point that the name fits their signature move of flooding the houses that they steal from, but the nickname can also be a reference to the fact that they drive around in a plumbing van.

There's an absurd number of towels in Kevin's bathroom.
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There appear to be around 20 full-sized towels in the bathroom.

20th Century Fox

When Kevin showers and styles his hair in the bathroom, there are at least 20 visible light- and dark-green towels all around the room.

Seeing as there were just a bunch of people in the house, it makes sense that there are multiple used towels hanging to dry. But there are also a number of clean towels stacked on the shelves.

The McCallister's house is fairly large, so this probably isn't the only bathroom, making the sheer number of towels even more absurd.  

The statue in front of the house is knocked over several times.
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The pizza guy knocks over the statue every time he comes to the house.

20th Century Fox

The airport-shuttle driver, police officer, and pizza deliverer all knock over the statue next to the McCallister's driveway.

The pizza boy even drives into it a second time when he brings Kevin a pizza. 

One of the robbers audibly curses in a scene.
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Most of their curses are gibberish, but there is one audible swear.

20th Century Fox

"Home Alone" has a PG-rating, but one of the robbers can be heard cursing during a scene. 

When Marv loses his shoe in the dog door, he says "shit" in a low voice. It's even confirmed in the movie's subtitles.

The pizzeria's name is probably a spin on a popular chain.
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Little Nero's seems to be a parody of Little Caesars.

20th Century Fox

The pizzeria featured multiple times in the film is called Little Nero's.

It isn't a real restaurant, but it seems to be a spin on the popular pizza chain, Little Caesars. 

Like Julius Caesar, Nero was a Roman political head, and both the fictional and real pizza chains feature Roman mascots. 

There's also a legend that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, making the pizzeria's tagline — "No Fiddlin' Around" — a clever joke.

Though he puts together an impressive battle plan, Kevin can't spell "ornaments."
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For an 8-year-old, the rest of his spelling is pretty impressive.

20th Century Fox

The plans and traps that Kevin arranges to outsmart the robbers throughout the movie are pretty brilliant.

But despite how clever he is, Kevin stills misspells "ornaments" on his battle plan — which is a helpful reminder that the character is, in fact, only 8.

The ornaments Kevin places under the window don't match the rest of the decorations on the tree.
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The ornaments on the floor were reportedly made of candy.

20th Century Fox

One of the many traps Kevin sets for the robbers includes placing ornaments under a window so that Marv will step on them when he tries to break in.

The decorations on the tree seem to be shaped like candy canes, presents, and 2-D stars. However, the ornaments that Marv steps on are more colorful and shaped much differently. 

The ornaments on the floor were reportedly made of candy to help prevent any serious injuries, and actor Daniel Stern (who played Marv) wore rubber feet just in case. 

Mr. Marley's hand heals as he mends his relationship with his son.
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Director Chris Columbus added the sweet ending scene to the film.

20th Century Fox

Old Man Marley scares Kevin at the beginning of the film, especially when he walks up behind him at the drugstore and places a bloody, bandaged hand on the counter. 

Throughout the movie, though, Kevin interacts with him and learns that the rumors about him aren't true. He also finds out that Mr. Marley is estranged from his son and granddaughter — a plotline that director Chris Columbus added to the film. 

When Kevin and Mr. Marley talk in the church, the heavy, white bandage on his hand has been replaced with a smaller, tan one. At the end of the film, when he patches up his relationship with his son, his hand is completely healed. 

This story was originally published on December, 14, 2020, and most recently updated on December 6, 2024. 

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