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Today β€” 9 March 2025Main stream

Huh? The valuable role of interjections

Listen carefully to a spoken conversation and you’ll notice that the speakers use a lot of little quasi-wordsβ€”mm-hmm, um, huh? and the likeβ€”that don’t convey any information about the topic of the conversation itself. For many decades, linguists regarded such utterances as largely irrelevant noise, the flotsam and jetsam that accumulate on the margins of language when speakers aren’t as articulate as they’d like to be.

But these little words may be much more important than that. A few linguists now think that far from being detritus, they may be crucial traffic signals to regulate the flow of conversation as well as tools to negotiate mutual understanding. That puts them at the heart of language itselfβ€”and they may be the hardest part of language for artificial intelligence to master.

β€œHere is this phenomenon that lives right under our nose, that we barely noticed,” says Mark Dingemanse, a linguist at Radboud University in the Netherlands, β€œthat turns out to upend our ideas of what makes complex language even possible in the first place.”

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Β© Daniel Garcia/Knowable Magazine
