Watchdog Group Adds the Moon to List of Threatened Historic Sites
A total of 25 sites are listed on the watch list and face a number of threats, from war to tourism.
When an updated, remastered, or otherwise spiffed-up version of a game is released, nobodyβnot long-time fans, not archivists, not anybody, reallyβever asks for the original version of that game to be taken down. Does this seem to stop game studios from committing this unforced public relations error? Absolutely not.
Blizzard, a company that has recently released remastered versions ofΒ Warcraft andΒ Warcraft II for $10 and $15, respectively (or in a bundle with III for $40) on its storefront, has asked GOG to remove its non-remastered, DRM-free $15 bundle of those games from its store on December 13.
GOG (aka Good Old Games), which recently included Warcraft I and II in its Preservation Program, with a "Make Games Live Forever" tagline, suddenly finds itself with a new policy to figure out. So GOG is putting the Warcraft I & II Bundle on sale (discount code "MakeWarcraftLiveForever" for $2 off) and is letting folks know that if they buy it before December 13, they will keep access to it after the delisting, complete with offline installers.