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This PSA’s Puppet Exposes the Manosphere’s Growing Influence

A young, isolated boy finds someone who pumps him up and encourages him to assert himself, to the point of starting fights at school and harassing female classmates. The impressionable grade-schooler is at the center of a PSA from advocacy group White Ribbon, which has introduced a fictional, bile-spewing puppet as co-star and instigator. The...

The Heartfelt Rewards of Adoption from Foster Care are Highlighted in New PSAs

Fostering a child is never easy, especially through the teenage years, but a new series of public service announcements from The Ad Council highlight the rewards of caring and love as foster parents. The Ad Council, with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and AdoptUSKids, have...
